School fleet management system that allows schools to superintend the daily commute of children to minimize the risks associated with students and driver safety, as well as the real time. This is an administrative approach that allows companies to systematize, tracking and amalgamate vehicles with the aim to improve efficiency, coherence and help reduce operational costs.
There are unaccountable factors that prove the affordability and unavoidability of fleet management. Primary goals are to upgrade and cautious student transportation to schools via fleet systems. This is immensely helpful in managing fuel and maintenance costs during the commute. Efficacy in reporting is another trump card of the fleet system. Real time visibility is one among the imperative and intuitive use of fleet systems.
Fleet managers exactly need to know the individual vehicles are at any time and generates a verification message to respective parents when they are dropped at their corresponding bus stations and also, when children leave the school after classes every day. Fleet management uses a GPS tracking system for tracking every vehicle of a fleet. It relieves the tedious travelling of students to schools.
When it comes to the aspect of management, fleet systems increase the lifespan of vehicles. Fleet managers could recognize and truncate the unnecessary expenses to reduce the cost simultaneously increasing the efficiency and productivity of the company. A huge surge in the satisfaction of drivers have been reported in the organizations that utilize fleet management rather than the private transportation. Fleet solutions also helped to lower the driver retention rates. Driver shortages were regulated by the pre-planning and recording of driver details and their working hours. Fatigued drivers are identified during this process to minimize the accident rates, thus to maximize the effectiveness of fleet solutions.
Loqqat is a pre-eminent school fleet management software that helps to improve safety, quality of fleet operations using the leading-edge technology. No matter the fleet size, fleet solutions provide exceptional day-to-day services to schools for providing a tranquil and harmonious commute to children.